Looking for books on a particular topic? Check our Book Topics List for suggested categories to check at the sale!
The latest parking information will be available here as we get closer to the sale dates.
The first night of the book sale, usually Friday, is a members-only night, 4 p.m. - 7 p.m. Memberships are available at the door.
The next day, usually Saturday, is open to all. Hardbacks are $2.50, trade paperbacks are $2, mass market paperbacks are $1, children's books for ages 10 and under are 50 cents, and vintage books and non-book items are priced as marked.
The last day, usually Sunday, is open to all. All the books you can fit in a standard plastic grocery store bag sell for $5. Other sized bags are priced accordingly.
We have had over 50,000 books in all genres at recent sales. It's a great place to find a bargain and stock up on reading material!
The Spring 2020, Fall 2020, and Spring 2021 sales were cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions, and a series of smaller genre-specific sales were held in Loveland Public Library once the library was able to reopen.
Thomas M. McKee 4-H Youth & Community Building at "The Ranch" Larimer County Fairgrounds & Events Complex, I-25 & Crossroads Blvd., Loveland, CO 80538 (Exit 259 on I-25)